Primary school gets a kitchen for the first time

Primary school gets a kitchen for the first time

The Church of England Diocese asked us to do a feasibility study for putting a kitchen into a school that had no cooking facilities. They were providing meals to the children, but these were not being cooked on site.

We went to have a look….

We highlighted 3 possible areas that they could convert to a fully working kitchen and recommended the most suitable which was an old staffroom. We provided designs and sourced equipment that would provide them with an up-to-date energy efficient, all-electric kitchen, using all the most modern equipment. While it used to be common to use gas we foresee that electric will be more convenient now and going forward.

The works took a few weeks during the summer while the school was closed for the holidays. We transformed the old staffroom by knocking down some walls and putting in new doors. We white rocked the walls, put in a new non-slip floor, new ventilation system and emergency lighting. We then set about manufacturing them bespoke stainless steel furniture to fit snugly around the new kitchen and filled it with the new equipment: Convotherm combi ovens, Lincat induction hob, Maidaid dishwasher and more:


The school now has an energy efficient modern workspace that can do meals for up to 300 pupils. They will be cooking for another 20 years before they’ll need to do any further works to it!

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